Never Knew I was Living in The World
I've moved to http://tech.shantanugoel.com and http://blog.shantanugoel.com

Doodle Board

Wednesday, December 08, 2004
I've moved to http://tech.shantanugoel.com, http://blog.shantanugoel.com and http://www.safercode.com/blog/
Shantanu's Technophilic Musings
Never Knew I Was Living In The World
Programming Safer Code (Secure Coding In C \ C++)

Had been delaying the addition of a doodle board to my blog (out of sheer laziness. Getting myself to do that 2 minutes of work required a looooot of self-motivation)
Neways, here it is now on the blog.....
[Listening to: Feel So Numb - Rob Zombie - SINISTER URGE (0:-1)]