Never Knew I was Living in The World
I've moved to http://tech.shantanugoel.com and http://blog.shantanugoel.com

We, the Explorers

Wednesday, December 01, 2004
I've moved to http://tech.shantanugoel.com, http://blog.shantanugoel.com and http://www.safercode.com/blog/
Shantanu's Technophilic Musings
Never Knew I Was Living In The World
Programming Safer Code (Secure Coding In C \ C++)

From "The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes"

Explorers are we, intrepid and bold,
Out in the wild, amongst wonders untold
.Equipped with our wits, a map and a snack,
We're searching for fun and we're on the right track.

I just love this comic strip. Calvin may sound so ridiculous to most but what I like about this puny character is the vivid imagination he has for a little boy and the fact that he lacks any sort of inhibitions. Reality of the world doesn't stop him from thinking and infact, experiencing things that we, adults, wudn't even dare to think about.

Oh, how I want to be a child again. Not knowing that Santa is not real was so much fun. Not knowing that wearing "action" shoes can't make me climb up the cealing was so thrilling. Not knowing that blowing a big bubble out of a bubble gum can't mek me fly was so exciting. Not knowing that there is no Peter Pan to take me to Never Never Land was so enchanting.

How I wish I could meet Peter Pan, so I could say" So Mr. Pan, (or is it Master Pan??) please turn back the process of aging and make me a child again. So that I don't have to think about the rationality (or the lack of it) of anything. So that I don't have to weigh the pros and cons of every move I make. So that I don't have to think before I speak. So that I can believe anything I want to without ever needing any proof for it....".

Calling Peter, if he's out there...
Wait, I still have a small feeling in some little corner that ther emight actually be a Peter Pan out there. May be, the child inside me isn't completely dead yet.

[Listening to: Feeling This - blink-182 - blink-182 (2:51)]